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December 25, 2010


Hello Readers,
Here is an interesting Fact about Mathematics, which is just amazing. I am now gonna show u about a magic square which ll surely make u think. Read along

A magic square is a square array of numbers consisting of the distinct positive integers 1, 2..., arranged such that the sum of the numbers in any horizontal, vertical, or main diagonal line is always the same number. If every number in a magic square is subtracted from , another magic square is obtained called the complementary magic square. A square consisting of consecutive numbers starting with 1 is sometimes known as a "normal" magic square. The unique normal square of order three was known to the ancient Chinese, who called it the Lo Shu.

8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2

2 9 4
7 5 3
6 1 8

4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6

6 1 8
7 5 3
2 9 4

8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2

and so on.....

Was itn't amazing? yes I know It is.. Thats the Power of Maths, Never Worry we ll be giving u updates in all aspects hereafter that ll surely teach you some Lesson or that will make u learn something as this article did.. Convey it to ur friends and Neighbours and be Proud.